The outbreak of Coronavirus, COVID-19 create the new normal in the construction industry in India

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The outbreak of Coronavirus, COVID-19 has changed lives and businesses around the world. The pandemic has wreaked havoc on all kinds of businesses and industries. Almost every industry has been halted because of the country lockdown in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, COVID-19 and in order to reduce the number of the coronavirus infected people.  However from now on, after the relief and the ease of the country lockdown, every business group must change and adapt themselves as well as the business operation under the new normalcy which conforms to the prevention of the spread of the coronavirus, COVID-19 or “New Normal”


From the past, there are many incidents and many factors forcing the people in the world to change themselves. This time also, the New Normal comes from the outbreak of the coronavirus, COVID-19 which affects the livelihoods and working of people which must be changed as well. Many industries has already started the new normal of doing businesses. We also have the new normal in the construction industry also.

The construction sector in India is considered an important sector which moves forward the GDP growth of the country. From the economic report showing that the share of construction in the Indian economy peaked at 9.59% in 2011-2012 and in 2019-2020, it was expected to be 8.03%. The construction sector in India employs more than 51 million workers to work in the sector.

“The new normal in the construction industry is the most important, changing is the way that helps all the parties in the ecosystem survive. Are you ready for this transformation “

From the abovementioned figures, the outbreak of the coronavirus, COVID-19 which has affected the construction industry, will be the major factor for the relevant people in the construction sector to change their livelihood and their working styles in order to survive in the business or to continue their businesses. The following thing which is the new normal in the construction industry is one of the alternatives which many countries start to use and implement in order to conform to the current situation.


What is the new normal in the construction industry? Let’s take a look.

1. Physical Distancing: Let’s stay away from each other in order to stay away from the virus.

We cannot deny that each job site will have a lot of workforce who are working together at the same place where is congested and has the limited space.  Everyone is aware that the coronavirus, COVID-19 spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes, so it’s important that you also practice respiratory etiquette. It is too risky for those crowded people who are staying or working together. WHO suggests to “Maintain at least 1 meter (3 feet) distance between yourself and others”.

The additional physical distancing is one of the alternatives to reduce the chance of infection. The physical distancing can be done by reducing the number of workforce in each job site and by using the technology of the material and the construction technology in order to replace the reduced number of workforce. Since there is RERA in the construction of India which acts as the time frame of the construction therefore by reducing the number of workforce in each job site by using the same technology and the same products within the same time which is impossible as well.

2. Cleaner project: Clean Site without Dust to reduce the disease.

The cleanliness inside the job site will be the important factor because from the outbreak of the coronavirus, COVID-19 which spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes.  The dust from the construction and the material used will accelerate the reaction of the workers to have the irritation of the respiratory which can lead to the coughing and sneezing. If someone in the job site sneezes or coughs, it is possible that the transmission of the coronavirus, COVID-19 among the workers in each job site can be increased.

Therefore, keeping the job site clean is considered important and must be the priority for everyone in the job site to follow and help. Keeping all the tools and equipment after use is necessary. Throwing away the rubbish and all the unused wastes. Leaving the working space open for better air flow and good ventilation as well as the selection of the environmentally friendly construction materials in order to reduce the dust and the waste to replace the current old materials.

3. Project segment is changing: Health & Hygiene trend must be monitored.

Before the outbreak of the coronavirus, COVID-19, the construction sector in many countries including India, have focused on the segment of the Residential and Commercial e.g. Commercial Buildings, Schools, as well as Hospitals. Because all of these buildings are the basic infra-structure which requires the speed of the construction in order to make them sufficient for the population of the country.

However, after the peak number of coronavirus, COVID-19 cases, many hospitals do not have enough ICU beds to handle the coronavirus, COVID-19 cases. The shortfall of ICU beds at the hospitals in many countries has been projected. Many countries realize that they should have enough number of hospitals to accommodate the increasing coronavirus cases especially in the big cities with the crowded population living. Therefore, after the ease of the lockdown measure, both private and public sectors will prioritize to consider constructing the new buildings in the segment of the Health and Hygiene. Nobody can anticipate what will happen again in the future, no one can anticipate what kind of viruses will suddenly begin again in the future. To get ready for the outbreak and the crisis should be done in advance.

The trend of Health and Hygiene does not only focus on the construction of the hospitals or the clinics, but also focus on the materials used, the tools and equipment used and all the materials which aim at the safety of the users and the residents. Therefore developing of the construction materials must meet the requirement of the end users in order to have the outstanding projects with the better unique selling proposition than the other projects of our competitors.

4.Less Touch: Bring Touchless Technology to use to reduce the contact of the surface and can make your job finished faster.

The crisis of the outbreak of the coronavirus, COVID-19, you can see that the more you touch, the more risky you are. If we contact or touch the surface of the material which is contaminated with all kind of germs, bacteria and viruses, it is too risky and it is likely that you will get infected. In the construction sector as well, the materials, the tools and the equipment which are used in the construction of the ceiling, flooring, or partition, will be touched and used by many people in the job site. The primary preventive action for this problem is that all of these materials or the tools and the equipment must be disinfected with the alcohol based sanitizer to kill all the germs, bacteria and the viruses.

Various manufacturers have brought the technology to manufacture the products and the system in order to solve all the problems. It can be the existing technology like prefab or modular system which focus on the already finished production from the factory and will be assembled, processed and finished at the job site. By doing so, it can reduce the contact of the materials for a longer time for the workers because this system requires only the fabrication at the job site or the manufacturers have brought the technology of the products to make the product complete the job faster for example, modifying the materials to become bigger, easy for installation, faster as well as the installation and product training through the conference call which will reduce the contact of the surface of the materials and reduce the contact with each other.


ZMARTBUILD Wall Panel and The new normal in the construction industry

ZMARTBUILD Wall Panel is the Autoclave Aerated Concrete (AAC) material which has the similar characteristics of well-known AAC Block in the market. How can Zmartbuild Wall Panel match with The new normal in the construction industry and how will Zmartbuild Wall Panel be suitable to be used in the construction industry for the new normal or not? Here are the answers

1.Easily installed by a groove and a tongue and the installer capacity is up to 70 sqm/team (3 men)/day when being compared with the capacity of the AAC Block which is 15 sqm/team (3 men)/day. You can see that although a number of workers have been reduced to match with the situation of physical distancing, the projects which use Zmartbuild Wall panel still can use and build according to the scheduled plan and time which the developer informed RERA earlier with less impact and can meet the schedule as expected and can build the safety for the job site at their own projects.

2.Zmartbuild Wall Panel is manufactured in a range of various sizes to suit with the projects with less wastage. Moreover, it is completely made from the natural materials which are not the causes of the pollution. It is made from the non-toxic components. The job site will not be dirty and will be easy to clean up at the end of the completion of the construction of the projects.

3.Super Speedy Installation. The installation of Zmartbuild Wall Panel is 4 times faster than the AAC Block which will help solve the problems of the construction which requires faster completion. For example, the construction of the hospitals and the clinics which has a high demand and is urgently required than the common construction of the general buildings. That Zmartbuild Wall Panel can be installed faster will get the projects done and completed on time or before time which is good for the project owner and the patients.

4.Zmartbuild Wall Panel has the size of the material which is bigger than the clay brick and the AAC Block. Zmartbuild Wall Panel which is one whole piece product from the floor to the upper ceiling requires no laying of brick by brick or piece by piece of the wall from the floor to the upper ceiling. The height of Zmartbuild Wall Panel can be adjusted and modified to match with the height of the ceiling for each building. The length of Zmartbuild Wall Panel produced is between 2.4- 4 meters which can reduce the total time which the workers must spend to contact the surface of the wall at the job site.




All of us in the construction industry are required to change ourselves to match with the new normal which will take place during the outbreak of the coronavirus, COVID-19. Although it is very difficult for you to change yourself to match with the new normal or you don’t want to have the new normal, you can neither refuse nor avoid to have the new normal.

It can widely affect the people to have the second, third or fourth round of the outbreak in the country. However, until the vaccine has been successfully and officially developed and tested and ready to use, then we can get back to normal. We have to change ourselves to match with the new normal. The ultimate goal that everyone expects is that the coronavirus, COVID-19 ends. We can go back to work. We can go back to our normal life. The business sector and the economy can move forward strongly like the previous time before the outbreak of the coronavirus, COVID-19

SCG Group from Thailand introduces – Zmartbuild Wall Panel to India market. It is the 3rd generation of wall material which helps project to save overall cost, faster construction by 4 times than traditional AAC Block wall and reduce chances of wall crack due to shrinkage. Our Zmartbuild Wall Panel is trusted quality product which is proved by over 3,068 projects around the world including mega projects in Thailand like Siam Paragon, Luxury shopping mall and Terminal 21 Korat, etc.

SCG – Zmartbuild Wall Panel compliance the Sever duty test according to BS 5234 Part 2 – 1992 from AIT – Asian Institute of Technology. This is a suitable product to construct a wall from domestic to heavy industrial applications. And the partition work of other types of buildings which requires partition grade at the level lower than the residential buildings.

So we are pleased to be the trustworthy manufacture who brings the good quality and innovative products to India market. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need more information.



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