Increased Carpet Area
Slim & sturdy wall covers
only 7.5 cm & not 9 cm
when compared with Dry wall

Yet durable with anti-
corrosion layered steel bars &
ST50 wire mesh inside

Faster Installation
6x faster project
completion by needing no
lintel up to 6 metres

Fire Resistant
Non-combustible & resistant
for 2.5 hours - 4 hours in
75 mm - 100 mmG

Low Finishing Cost
Needs 3 people & covers over
30 square metres a day to save
costs on big teams

For flexural strength conforming
to the Indian Standards set
under IS 6072

Reduces the consumption
of water during installation

Thermal & Acoustic Insulation
Excellent noise reduction with
an STC rating of 37-43 and heat
transfer rate of 0.16 W/mK.